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A code snipet from http://imar.spaanjaars.com/QuickDocId.aspx?quickdoc=420(see this code as well)Suppose you have enum PersonType and want to populate lstPersonType drop-down box with its values.It is very easy with Reflection:
public enum PersonType { Friend = 0, Family = 1, Colleague = 2, NotSet = -1}private void BindTypeDropDown(){ FieldInfo[] myEnumFields = typeof(PersonType).GetFields(); foreach (FieldInfo myField in myEnumFields) { if (!myField.IsSpecialName && myField.Name.ToLower() != "notset") { int myValue = (int)myField.GetValue(0); lstPersonType.Items.Add(new ListItem(myField.Name, myValue.ToString())); } }}